What are your goals for 2022?

The beginning of a new year is always a good time to reflect on what you are planning for the coming year. If you are having time off work you may have more head space to think about what you want out of your life. This may be a new activity, hobby, sport.
Obviously it goes without saying that for most of us just getting through the pandemic alive and healthy will be enough for 2022 but it is still worth thinking about and planning some goals.
What is something you’ve always wanted to do or used to do that brings you joy that you have stopped doing or tell yourself you don't have time for?
Some ideas:
Getting some regular exercise. The old 30mins of exercise a day is still relevant. Just going for a walk is still exercise. You don't have to be breaking bones and breaking world records in the gym to be exercising.
Take care of your injuries. If you have long term chronic injuries or have flare ups every now and then it is likely that you have an underlying issue that hasn't been addressed. This could be a great opportunity to get on top of this. We are here to help if you need it.
learn a musical instrument. There has never been a better time to take up an instrument. With millions of tutorial videos online and teachers online you could be playing like Hendrix before you know it. Especially with instruments like the guitar and keyboard which are easy to pick up and you can control the volume in the house.
Take up singing. Same as above.
Join a sporting club. Some great ideas include playing tennis. Most suburbs will have Tennis courts that have a social tennis comp where you can play beginners or people at the same level as you. It is also a great way to meet like minded people. Soccer, cricket or a running club are other ideas.
Join a gym, Yoga or Pilates class.
Get a persoanl trianer. There has never been an easier time to have a P.T. There are a lot of P.T’s online these days especially over Covid, so if your New Years resolution is to loose weight, get stronger or stop having all of those aches and pains then this is the year to have someone help you with your training.
Start swimming
Get out into nature regularly.
Go on mini breaks. Rather than having big holidays every year, try to get away more frequently for shorter periods. Even a weekend in nature can reset the big city life and work stress and give you a sense of calm and joy.
Start reading again. I know that with the age of streaming services it’s hard to imagine reading again but there are many other things that can be stimulating our minds rather than dulling them. Such as podcasts and audiobooks.
Looking after your mental health. If you have been putting off seeing a therapist and dealing with issues in your life then why not take a step and get some help.
Start dating.
Make time for yourself. This is especially important for all of the parents out there that give so much to their kids and spouses. It’s time you had some “me time”.
Spend more time with your friends.
Start meditation. Mindfulness and meditation have never been more accessible with all of the apps and resources online. You don't have to become Vegan and shave your head to meditate. The benefits are being proven just how important this is for our mental health and positive outlook on life.
Get more sleep
And of course… lose some weight. Especially after multiple lockdowns and the silly season just behind us I’m sure many of us are in this camp.
Novelty is the spice of life so what could you do this year to spice things up?